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We look forward to sharing exciting and thought-provoking content about everything digital.
Tomorrow’s Cyber-attacks could Pale Sci-fi Movies
Just when you think you’ve heard everything about cyber attacks, here’s something right out of a sci-fi movie! According to Gartner, cyber attackers will have weaponized operational technology (OT) environments to successfully harm or kill humans by 2025.
Aug 13 2021
How to Choose the Best IT Consulting Partner for Your Business
IT environment is the backbone of any business striving to be a digital enterprise. However, unprecedented levels of disruption in technology today can make IT environment management a major challenge.
July 22 2021
Become an Intelligent Business with Artificial Intelligence
‘Artificial Intelligence (AI)’ is clearly a buzzword in the technology space today. Coined in 1956 by John McCarthy and team, AI has gained momentum as the trending topic for technology and business pundits worldwide.
July 12 2021